Civil society sustainability post-2015 and during rapid political change
By Michael Hammer. Civil society has been central to political change in many countries, with new forms of organization emerging […]
Action learning set on exit strategies
Building on INTRAC’s work on aid withdrawal, we facilitated an Action Learning Set (ALS) on exit strategies with the British […]
Longitudinal Evaluation of EveryChild’s Responsible Exit Process
EveryChild was a UK international development charity, which closed in September 2016. In 2012, the organisation took the decision to […]
Evaluation of Wilde Ganzen’s local resource mobilisation model in four countries
In 2013-14 INTRAC carried out an evaluation of Wilde Ganzen’s Action for Children Programme. This programme helped local civil society […]
Civil Society at Crossroads: shifts, challenges, options
The global synthesis report of the ‘Civil Society at a Crossroads’ initiative – a collective reflection process about the […]
Aid withdrawal, partnership and CSO sustainability in a time of global economic change. Workshop conclusions and moving forward
Why are there so many NGOs withdrawing aid from partners in developing countries? And why is there so little information […]
Aid withdrawal and exit strategies
Since 2012, INTRAC has been monitoring an increase in the withdrawal of aid by international NGOs from partners, projects, programmes, […]
Civil Society at a Crossroads
INTRAC was one of six civil society support organisations involved in Civil Society at a Crossroads, a collective reflection process about the future of civil society around the world.
Praxis Note 53. Using Action Learning Sets methodology in an NGO capacity building programme
This note describes how the use of Action Learning Sets (ALS) methodology in Central Asia has enabled NGO leaders and staff to become effective in addressing organisational and operational challenges. This approach has contributed to the overall strengthening of their organisations.
Praxis Paper 21. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation in Practice: Lessons learnt from Central Asia
This paper records an attempt to develop a fully participative M&E system, drawing on the experience of a team of INTRAC staff working on a civil society strengthening programme in close collaboration with their partners in the five countries of Central Asia
Evaluating Civil Society Building in Afghanistan
When we are talking about Civil Society in Afghanistan two terminologies come to mind: one the Civil Society with its […]
OPS 45. Aid Architecture: Reflections on NGDO Futures and the Emergence of Counter-Terrorism
NGOs involved int international development (NGDOs) face unprecedented conditions that call for thoughtful responses. Three major dynamics are combining to […]