Partner Capacity Strengthening – online – May-June 2025
Are you involved in capacity strengthening or organisational development work with local partners, and finding things aren’t going as you […]
Modelling progressive funding – what did we learn?
In the final blog of the series, Kate Newman reflects on our findings about modelling progressive funding.
Newly Updated Resource Database – Now Includes The Entire Catalogue Of Publications!
INTRAC has been producing publications and resources since 1994. With a focus on civil society development, concerning all areas of […]
Funders’ Collaborative for Children: a formative evaluation
INTRAC undertook a two-year formative evaluation of the Funders’ Collaborative for Children (FCFC) taking place between 2011 and 2013. While […]
ONTRAC 39. Control and effectiveness in aid partnerships
In this issue of Ontrac we approach the problem of the ‘bureaucratic beast’ in relationships between development partners from different […]
ONTRAC 19. Advocacy from the grassroots
An advocate can be defined as someone who organises for a cause; a supporter or defender who argues on another’s […]
ONTRAC 17. NGOs Ethics, Accountability and Regulations
The passing of the phrase ‘the Value-Driven Sector’ should not go unannounced. The old notion that ‘Civil Society’ consisted of […]
ONTRAC 16. Culture, context and NGO’s
In many ways, the world is shrinking. Rapid advances in technology and transport systems have accelerated communication, created global networks […]
ONTRAC 15. NGO Partnerships: Balancing the Scales
Partnerships between Southern and Northern NGOs have become a key element of the development process. Whilst most NGOs are drawn […]
OPS 32. Partnerships: Negotiating Relationships
To be effective, institutions within the international aid system require a variety of working relationships. Ideally, each relationship will be […]
OPS 27. NGOs and the Private Sector: Potential for Partnerships?
Globalisation, the increasing multinational nature of business and electronic communication, has led to a parallel reduction in the powers of […]
ONTRAC 10. Direct funding from a Southern perspective: strengthening Civil Society?
Has the significant increase in funds to southern NGOs (SNGOs) by official agencies reinforced local civil society through the development […]