Tag: partnership

Partnerships and Capacity Building: A Guide for Small and Diaspora NGOs

  Partnership and collaboration with other NGOs are no longer (if they ever were) a peripheral add-on to an organisation’s […]

ONTRAC 40. Civil Society and Aid – where now?

This ONTRAC issue re-examines the concept and role of civil society, focusing on its significance in relation to current debates and practice in development.

OPS 47. Mapping the Terrain: Exploring Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of Roma Programming in an Enlarged European Union

This paper provides an overview of the monitoring and evaluation strategies adopted at multiple levels of governance by various stakeholders […]

Praxis Paper 3. Organisational Learning in NGOs

NGOs work in an increasingly demanding environment characterised by growing competition for shrinking aid budgets. They are under pressure to […]

Autonomy or Dependence? Case Studies of North-South NGO Partnerships

This book explores the concept and practice of ‘partnership’ between non-government organisations (NGOs) in the North and South. Based on […]

OPS 35. Promoting Effective North-South NGO Partnerships

Partnership between NGOs based in the ‘North’ and the ‘South’  have become a key part of international development processes. Whilst […]

Briefing Paper 4. NGOs and Partnership

This Policy Briefing Paper presents the findings from the first of INTRAC’s research ‘Promoting Effective North-South NGO Partnerships’ and draws […]

OPS 28. NGO Support Organisations: Role and Function

This report is aimed primarily at members of NGO support organisations who have an interest in the nature and function […]

ONTRAC 9. Building the internal strength of urban NGO’s: the right way round or from the inside out?

How do we judge our capacity as NGOs in a realistic way? How do we know if a partner is […]