Tag: partnership

Praxis Note 70. Working at the Sharp End of Programme Closure: EveryChild’s Responsible Exit Principles

In this Praxis Note , Lucy Morris, Head of Programmes at EveryChild, describes how EveryChild went about answering this question from a practical perspective. EveryChild developed three simple “responsible exit principles” to guide this process, in order to consider not just when to close the partnerships, but also how to close them.

Go through the door marked ‘Exit’ to reach sustainable development

By Rick James. We’ll never reach sustainable development until we take exit more seriously. So many NGOs pay lip-service to […]

Which way to sustainable exit?

By Rick James, INTRAC Principal consultant. Sustainable exit – it’s the holy grail of development. It’s something we all aspire […]

ONTRAC 59. The role of INGOs in complex and politically charged contexts

  This issue of ONTRAC looks at the different roles and initiatives INGOs have in ‘politically charged’ contexts, focusing on […]

Capacity Building, Partnership Relations and Exit Strategies

By Rachel Hayman, with inputs and insights from action learning set participants. Over the past few months my colleague Rick […]

Study on Norwegian Church’s Aid Afghanistan’s Partnership Approach

Norwegian Church Aid’s partnership approach is based on the belief that civil society is important for developing viable and accountable […]

Cultivating trust in partnerships

By Rick James This blog is no. 6 in a series of nine on the subject of capacity building: No. […]

The High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda: new promises – can they be delivered?

By Brian Pratt. The long-awaited and much-hyped report of the High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda has been […]

ONTRAC 54. The rise of INGO families: perspectives, issues, and experiences

  This issue of ONTRAC looks at the expansion of NGOs coming together to create large international organisations or ‘families’ […]

Briefing Paper 39. Evidence, economics and exclusion: super actors, civil society and citizen debate in the post-MDG paradigm

International development is being reconfigured. As the MDGs approach their end point, with debatable impact, it is not only the aspirations of development that are under review. The organisational forms and international partnerships through which development is delivered are changing.

Aid withdrawal, partnership and CSO sustainability in a time of global economic change. Workshop conclusions and moving forward

Why are there so many NGOs withdrawing aid from partners in developing countries? And why is there so little information […]

Praxis Note 62. It takes two to tango: reversed organisational assessments between Northern and Southern civil society organisations

Do Southern civil society organisations (CSOs) have a role to play in assessing the performance of their Northern partners? What can we learn from attempts to include Southern partners in assessing our organisations?