Tag: capacity building

Praxis Note 7. Working Without Words: Exploring the Use of Cartooning and Illustration in Organisational Capacity Building

This paper demonstrates the value of cartoons and illustrations as tools for capacity building in the context of both community […]

Praxis Paper 1. Capacity Building from a French Perspective

This Praxis Paper depicts how French NGOs perceive the notion of capacity building, and how they apply the concept in […]

Community Development in Rural Areas of Central Asia

This report provides a written record of the third INTRAC conference held in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, on 27-28 April 2004. The […]

Praxis Note 4. How Should Impact Be Assessed Cross-Culturally?

The assessment of impact involves a number of stakeholders often working within different cultural assumptions, in different power relations to each other. Assessing impact must be considered from a cross-cultural perspective.

Praxis Note 3. How Can Knowledge Transferability Be Managed Across Cultures?

This Praxis Note addresses the important issues of transferring knowledge and best practice in the cross-cultural context within which all development NGOs work.

Praxis Note 2. How Can Capacity Be Built Through Cross-Cultural Management?

This Praxis Note focuses on the processes and practices of capacity building, drawing on results from the project Management and Change in Africa: A Cross-cultural Perspective, funded by Danida and the Paris Chamber of Commerce.

Praxis Note 1. Why is a Cross-Cultural Approach Necessary?

This Praxis Note outlines the crosscultural management imperative and the importance of the project Management and Change in Africa to developing management and organisational capacity in non-governmental development organisations in Africa and beyond.

OPS 39. Growing Civil Society in Central Asia

In December 2001 INTRAC’s Tenth Anniversary conference in Oxford, set out to evaluate and appraise the different approaches adopted to […]

ONTRAC 21. Autonomy or dependence: A false dilemma or the greatest crisis facing NGOs today?

On a recent visit to the UK’s National Council of Voluntary Organisations, what struck me about many of the books […]

People and Change: Exploring Capacity Building in NGOs

Based on many years of practical experiences with NGOs, largely in Africa, this book argues that for capacity building programmes […]

OPS 36. Practical Guidelines for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Capacity-Building: Experience from Africa

Capacity-Building and Monitoring and Evaluation have become two of the most important priorities of the development community during the last […]

ONTRAC 19. Advocacy from the grassroots

An advocate can be defined as someone who organises for a cause; a supporter or defender who argues on another’s […]