ONTRAC 59. The role of INGOs in complex and politically charged contexts
This issue of ONTRAC looks at the different roles and initiatives INGOs have in ‘politically charged’ contexts, focusing on […]
M&E Paper 9: Measuring advocacy impact: Case study of a capacity building programme
International NGOs are increasingly incorporating advocacy and change-related strategies into their work, recognising that service delivery can only partly tackle […]
M&E Paper 8: “More of an art than a science”: Challenges and solutions in monitoring and evaluating advocacy
How to monitor and evaluate advocacy work as part of development interventions is a significant challenge faced by many advocates. […]
The M&E of advocacy…not another list of challenges
By Sarah Rose. Monitoring and evaluating advocacy is hard work, and most advocacy professionals are all too familiar with issues […]
Praxis Paper 28. Getting to Grips with Evidence: How NGOs can tackle changing needs in the use of evidence and research
Pressure from funders, beneficiaries, stakeholders and public authorities for the use of more advanced research skills and robust evidence has grown over recent years. As a result, many practitioners are grappling with issues surr
Advocacy: A Guide for Small and Diaspora NGOs
Understanding advocacy and how to use advocacy approaches and tools can help organisation’s to increase their impact. However often the […]
Briefing Paper 38. The history of UK civil society
This paper is a part of the Civil Society at a Crossroads initiative, a project supported by partners in several countries to explore issues confronting civil society globally
Action research and advocacy training for Women Participating in Public Life programme
Between 2012 and 2016 INTRAC delivered the design and implementation of an action research approach as part of the British […]
Participatory Advocacy: A Guide for Small and Diaspora NGOs to VSO’s Participatory Advocacy Toolkit
Developing an advocacy strategy is a pressing, but often intimidating, priority for many small and diaspora organisations. As part of […]
Ethiopia Civil Society Support Programme. Gender and Social Inclusion Success Stories
A compilation of stories about initiatives perceived as highly successful and effective by gender, diversity and quality specialists within UK aid agencies
Civil Society in Action: Global case studies in a practice-based framework
This book uses case studies from around the world which show a clear framework for understanding the nature and role of […]
ONTRAC 47. Empowered to Influence – Capacity Building for Advocacy
This issue of ONTRAC looks at capacity building for advocacy. Following Chris Stalker’s overview of the huge shift towards placing […]