Cover DIPThis special issue of Development in Practice (Volume 26, Number 5, August 2016) focuses on the challenges faced by civil society to remain sustainable in response to major changes in the global environment.

With contributions from academics and practitioners from around the world, this special issue provides original articles, practical notes and viewpoints on the diverse challenges to civil society sustainability in different contexts. These include challenges posed by the reduction and often removal of external funding, as well as the impacts of restrictions on the operating space for civil society.

The issue was edited by Rachel Hayman and Brian Pratt and includes articles written by INTRAC staff, associates and friends, and features four freely accessible papers.


  • Brian Pratt Editorial
  • Jacqueline Wood Unintended consequences: DAC governments and shrinking space in Kenya
  • Anique Claessen and Piet de Lange Lessons for supporting policy influencing in restrictive environments
  • Albert Arhin Advancing post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals in a changing development landscape: Challenges of NGOs in Ghana
  • Alan Fowler Non-governmental development organisations’ sustainability, partnership, and resourcing: futuristic reflections on a problematic trialogue
  • John Hailey and Mark Salway New routes to CSO sustainability: the strategic shift to social enterprise and social investment
  • Patricia Menonça, Mário Aquino Ales and Fernando Nogueira Civil society organisations and the fight for rights in Brazil: analysis of an evolving context and future challenges
  • Inés M. Pousedela and Anabel Cruz The sustainability of Latin American CSOs: historical patterns and new funding sources
  • Robert Wiggers Action for Children: a model for stimulating local fundraising in low- and middle-income countries
  • Elsa L. Dawson Gender, diversity, and sustainable civil society strengthening: lessons from Ethiopia
  • Naila Farouky The state of Arab philanthropy and the case for change
  • Orysia Lutsevych Civil society versus captured state: a winning strategy for sustainable change
  • Charles Buxton Russian civil society and development challenges in Eurasia
  • James Taylor Crises in civil society organisations: opportunities for transformation
  • Rachel Hayman Unpacking civil society sustainability: looking back, broader, deeper, forward

Download “Civil society sustainability: facing up to new challenges in organisational legitimacy, credibility, and viability”.