This strangest of years is drawing to a close, and not surprisingly the ways in which INTRAC has been using remote and online methods dominates the viewpoints and articles in this newsletter. In his opening piece, our newest M&E consultant, Richard Ponsford, reflects on ways to make online learning engaging ahead of the launch of new online M&E courses (see page 10). We’ve also come together with organisational development specialists from around the world to generate new thinking on civil society support into the future, captured in a series of blogs and discussion papers.

It is a time of endings also. Since 2011, INTRAC has been the institutional home of the journal Development in Practice, with Brian Pratt as Editor-in-Chief supported by Adam Houlbrook as Deputy Editor. In December, we will bid a very fond farewell to DIP as it moves to a new institutional home. In his Viewpoint, Brian celebrates the achievements of DIP and the part it has played in bringing the knowledge of development practitioners to the fore. The new editors will be announced in due course and we wish them and DIP every success going forward.

Finally, we bid farewell also to our Chief Executive, Jim Emerson, who has decided to leave INTRAC at the end of December 2020. The Board would like to thank Jim for all his contributions and they and staff wish him well. The Board is currently looking at options and will share updates on our website and in the next newsletter.

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INTRAC Newsletter November 2020

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