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Between 2013 and 2016, the UK Department for International Development supported seven non-governmental organisations to pilot Beneficiary Feedback Mechanisms (BFM) as part of their maternal and child health projects. The projects were funded under the department’s UK Aid Direct fund (previously known as the Global Poverty Action Fund (GPAF). Together with
World Vision UK, Social Impact Lab (SIMLab) and CDA Collaborative, INTRAC supported the pilots to implement beneficiary feedback mechanisms and learn:

  • What makes a beneficiary feedback system effective?
  • Does it improve accountability to communities and the delivery of projects?
  • Is it worth the investment?

The pilots ran in Ethiopia, Somaliland, Tanzania, India, Pakistan and Zimbabwe. INTRAC helped to design the programme, and provided monitoring and review support. Local consultants based in the six countries where feedback mechanisms were piloted carried out country-level monitoring and analysis. A UK-based team provided methodological and logistical support to the local consultants, gathered data at the UK-level, and brought together the data to produce overarching analysis and reporting.

Watch this nine-minute film that explains more about the pilots and hear from the people using the feedback mechanisms in India and Somaliland.

The pilot generated lessons relevant to those resourcing, designing and implementing beneficiary feedback in development programmes. All the project outputs are available at

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