
INTRAC has been working since 2013 with Danida on an evaluation of the Danish Strategy for Support to Civil Society. The overall purpose of the evaluation is to collate lessons learnt from the implementation of the strategy and to produce suggestions on how the results of civil society support can be better evaluated into the future. This work has been carried out in two phases.

The First Phase examined to what extent the Danish Civil Society Strategy was operationalised. It also reviewed how different funding modalities have supported the development of a stronger, more independent and diversified civil society in developing countries, and what lessons can be learned to improve Danish support to civil society development in the South. The work included: country studies of Nepal, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia; a review of advocacy and awareness work in Denmark, and a review of other donors approaches to funding for civil society.  See the final report here.

The Second phase of the evaluation took a continuous approach with support for real-time learning. The focus was on how to improve the assessment and documentation of the results of civil society support. This looked, in particular, at how Danish CSOs are tracking and assessing their results and added value to Southern CSOs through a series of “learning syntheses” and workshops. This included work on:

The evaluation was completed in early 2017.

This work is carried out in collaboration with Danish company, Tana.