In 2013-14 INTRAC carried out an evaluation of Wilde Ganzen’s Action for Children Programme. This programme helped local civil society groups to transition from an externally-aided model to a model based on in country resource mobilisation. It provided a combination of support through capacity building, communication and branding, and local and national fundraising.
INTRAC assessed the viability of Wilde Ganzen’s model in Brazil, India, Kenya and South Africa. There, national partner organisations raise funds from businesses and the middle class to double the contributions of local grassroots organisations.
The evaluation team consisted of an international team leader and four national experts (country evaluators). The evaluation especially reviewed the relationship between capacity building and local resource mobilisation, and researched how the programme influences wider cultures of giving in local and national contexts.
Methods included:
- Document review
- Development of implicit Theory of Change of the programme
- Development of a common framework of enquiry across organisational, national and community levels, addressing relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact
- Country studies in India, Brazil, Kenya and South Africa
- Review of Wilde Ganzen in the Netherlands
Outputs consisted of a four-country study report and a synthesis/overview report.
INTRAC has subsequently collaborated with Wilde Ganzen to promote its work on capacity building for local resource mobilisation (including the Change the Game Academy) and the findings from this evaluation as part of our broader programme of work on sustainability.