INTRAC has a strong track record of working with faith-based organisations in development and has, over the years, undertaken a lot of work supporting and looking at the unique role of faith-based organisations such as Sisters of St Louis.
The 450 Sisters of St. Louis’ sisters work in 10 different countries. The sisters work with and for some of the most marginalised and vulnerable people in the communities they serve. They work in community development, education, healthcare, pastoral care, agriculture and environment, and empowerment of women.
Based on a needs assessment, Sisters of St Louis developed a longer term capacity building programme to support its Sisters in West Africa. As part of the programme, INTRAC delivered a training workshop on Strategic Planning and Management Skills.
The intense 7-day participatory and practical training for the 39 participants, coming from Ghana, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Ireland, took place in Nigeria in June 2015. The programme was tailored to address the specific needs of the Sisters, who are all managing a variety of organisations, including schools, hospitals and clinics.