Since 2004, Elsa Dawson has worked as a gender and development adviser, evaluator and trainer, specializing in the integration of a gender perspective in development organizations and their programmes. She has carried out gender audits of several large NGOs such as CAFOD and Tearfund, and provided training on gender analysis and planning, NGO capacity development and evaluation, running the annual INTRAC Gender Analysis and Planning Course. She holds a Masters degree in Development Studies from the University of East Anglia, and was a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex University.
Prior to becoming a consultant, she was responsible for Save the Children’s programme in Peru for eight years, Gender Adviser to Oxfam in South America for two years, and a member of Oxfam’s programme support unit in Oxford for ten years. For the last nine years, she has also worked as a conflict mediator for neighbours with issues like noise and parking in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
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