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Languages, power and inclusion: languages in development NGOs

  • Wed 2 November 2016 - Wed 2 November 2016
  • SOAS
  • Free
  • This event has passed.

How does language affect relationships between NGO workers and the people and communities with whom they work? What challenges are NGO workers confronted with when attempting to listen to people from different cultural backgrounds? Does the dominance of English in organisations influence power relationships on the ground?

As part of the Listening Zones project, this workshop by the Universities of Reading and Portsmouth and INTRAC offers participants the opportunity to: hear about the research so far, drawing on historic case studies; reflect on what we can learn from this for current practice; shape the next steps of the research; ensure outputs from the project are relevant and useful.

The workshop is now fully booked. To be added to the waiting list or project mailing list, contact Wine Tesseur: w.tesseur@reading.ac.uk.


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The Listening Zones of NGOs: languages and cultural knowledge in development programmes