Church-based development organisations are distinct from secular NGOs. They have particular organisational features. These are the source of their potential value added, but also their major challenges. Good organizational development (OD) needs to be tailored to these specific contextual characteristics. But faithbased OD goes even further. It integrates the faith of the client and in some cases the consultant to promote change.

This paper is based on practical OD consultancy experiences of CABUNGO and INTRAC with more than 20 churchbased organisations in Malawi between 2000 and 2006. It analyses the common and particular organisational challenges that church-based organisations face and explores what should be different about OD with such organisations.

Complementary research was carried out with Islamic FBOs (faith-based organisations) in Malawi, published as Praxis Note 48 ‘Capacity building with Islamic FBOs’.


Praxis Note 47 - Faith-Based Organisational Development with Churches in Malawi - Rick James with CABUNGO staff

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