How much do international actors really contribute to an ongoing momentum for change, once their programmes and partnerships come to an end?

This paper seeks to answer this question, by drawing on the learning generated from a third and final research study of EveryChild’s Responsible Exit process, five years after they had closed down and exited from all of their international partnerships. The aim of this final study is to assess the extent to which the expertise and momentum for change for children which EveryChild hoped to create, had been sustained five years post-exit. Did individual and organisational knowledge and capacity remain, and did changes to legislation, policies, attitudes and behaviours continue to have positive effects on communities that EveryChild worked with and potentially beyond for example?

It summarises and analyses the situation in four countries (Cambodia, India, Malawi and Nepal) five years after exit, and provides glimpses of EveryChild’s lasting legacy as well as exploring implications for other international development actors wanting to design programmes that have a lasting impact following a responsible exit.


Praxis Paper 13_EveryChild exit

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